It’s been a few weeks since I have made a new jar recipe post and I am super excited that this is the next one! I absolutely love making meals in mason jars because they keep the food fresher longer, are easier to transport, and they are way better than plastic containers!

This recipe for today is curried mixed vegetables on a bed of quinoa, topped with greek yogurt.

I’m just going to let you brew on that for a minute because it IS as delicious as it sounds…

Ok, done drooling yet? Let’s get to how to make these bad boys.

p.s. – if you’re looking for a full workout plan, nutrition tips, an eating plan example and more, check out my guide, “Bonding with Your Body”.

I start by chopping a medley of vegetables. I don’t measure and I don’t use the same vegetables every time, but for the sake of a recipe here’s what I did for this particular batch. I used 2 carrots, 1 large yellow squash, 1 green bell pepper, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 orange bell pepper, and 1/2 purple onion. I chopped them all up and threw them in a large mixing bowl. If you notice in this top photo, there is a ceramic white knife on top of my regular kitchen knife – this is my 4 year olds. He LOVES to help me in the kitchen and I want to teach him the importance of food and nutrition so I bought him his own set :).

After the vegetables are all chopped up it’s time to saut? them! I heat about 1-2tbsp. of coconut oil in a large saucepan on medium heat. Then I add the vegetables and sprinkle them with about 1 tbsp. of curry powder. This may be too much for you, as curry is strong. So if you’re not used to it then definitely start with 1/2 tbsp. and work your way up. You can always ADD seasoning but you can never REMOVE it! 😉

Another important thing to note is that I don’t cook the vegetables all the way through. This is because I know I will be reheating them in the microwave and I don’t want them to turn into mush. As you are saut?ing the vegetables, this is also a perfect time to cook your quinoa so they will be done at the same time.

Once everything is done cooking, it’s time to fill the mason jars! For those who are following the 21 Day Fix meal plan, I add 1 yellow container of quinoa and 1 green container of vegetables. It fits like a glove in a pint sized jar! Seal and toss in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (though it never lasts that long in my house!).

When you are ready to heat and serve, top with a either 1/2 or 1 full blue container of plain greek yogurt. It’s the perfect flavor pair to the curry veggies!

Now how simple was that? Simple, delicious, and 100% clean eating. THAT’S my favorite kind of food.

Plain Greek Yogurt
1/2-1 tbsp. Curry Powder
1-2 tbsp. Coconut Oil

Vegetable medley can include…
Bell Pepper
Brussel Sprouts

1. Chop vegetables and place in mixing bowl.
2. Heat coconut oil in saucepan on medium heat until melted.
3. Add vegetables to saucepan and add curry powder.
4. While vegetables are saut?ing, cook quinoa according to directions on package.
5. Cook vegetables until tender and almost done.
6. Measure in 21 Day Fix containers and stack quinoa and vegetables in mason jar.
7. When ready to eat, heat directly in mason jar (without lid) or pour in a bowl, heat and serve!
8. Dollop with greek yogurt (optional)