I’ve been getting a lot of great feedback on my 21 Day Fix Approved Salad Jars, so I decided to keep the jars rolling and make a 21 Day Fix Approved meal in them! Something that I make quite often for dinner is a “bowl” of food. I take my protein, veggies, carbs, and layer them in a bowl, top with some kind of healthy fat and usually Cholula. The bowls are absolutely delicious every time and we eat them quite often! Having them readily available in a mason jar just made sense since they are a common meal in our house and I was already in the process of meal prepping.

p.s. – if you’re looking for a full workout plan, nutrition tips, an eating plan example and more, check out my guide, “Bonding with Your Body”.

As stated above, in each of my jars I usually have a protein and/or carb as the base and then I toss as many vegetables on top as I want. The healthy fat I top it with when I’m eating it is always either avocado or hummus, though my husband will add nuts sometimes depending on the combination of flavors already in the meal.

For this 21 Day Fix approved meal I used the pint-sized mason jars. I did this because I knew I wouldn’t be eating them out of the jars, but if you will be then I suggest going up to the quart size so you have room to shake it up and eat!

I started this meal prep with nitrate free, free range ground turkey. I seasoned it with the 21 Day Fix southwest seasoning mix (of course since it’s my favorite!). While I was cooking the ground turkey, I was also cooking up the quinoa. You can use red Inca quinoa or traditional, depending on your taste preference. The red Inca is a little more nutty in flavor, but it’s still very good.

I also placed these two tasty foods in the jars in that order. Ground turkey first, then quinoa, though I honestly don’t think it matters which one goes in first.

If you notice, on top of the ground turkey I layered some sliced yellow onion. I sauteed the onion on the stove first for about 5 minutes in the honey infused balsamic vinegar, pictured below. It adds a pop of flavor that perfectly compliments the bowl but is not too bold. 

Staying simple, the next layer in the mason jar meal are the vegetables. This is where you can completely customize. I used mini bell peppers and roma tomato to fill up the green container. I put the tomato on top to keep it fresh since it can get mushy if mashed between too much food. I use about 3 mini bell peppers and 1/3 tomato for each green container. If I had more room in the jar or would have used a bigger jar, I would have also added carrots.

I also had to share a photo of my oldest helping me chop up the bell peppers! He loves to help me in the kitchen and I use every opportunity to educate him on the importance of nutrition and cooking fresh foods.

So what’s the final product of stacking delicious foods cooked in an amazing combination of spices? A beautiful jar that is a complete meal!

If you’re wondering how to eat this, this is what I do. I dump the veggies into a bowl and heat up the ground turkey and quinoa in the mason jar in the microwave, then dump and mix it all together. I then top with avocado usually and cholula, as I mentioned above!

If you have no idea what 21 Day Fix is, then please contact me! It’s an amazingly easy to follow nutrition and workout system that will help you transform your body.

Be on the lookout for more mason jar meal ideas!