Breakfast, the meal that is dreaded (and skipped) by many due to lack of time, lack of hunger, or just lack of energy to cook first thing in the morning. So why not have a delicious and healthy breakfast ready to heat and go? As you know, I’ve written a couple other blog posts about mason jar meals. Both are 21 Day Fix approved and both are easy and are perfect for a clean eating diet!

p.s. – if you’re looking for a full workout plan, nutrition tips, an eating plan example and more, check out my guide, “Bonding with Your Body”.

This week I am taking the non-breakfast eating excuses away and giving you all a scrumptious, portioned out, balanced meal to start your day right. The awesome thing is you can make enough to have breakfast ready to grab and go every morning! And if you’re not a breakfast eater – you should be! Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. Your body needs the fuel to start the day, so start it right with some clean food to give you energy upon waking!

I started with a slice of Trader Joes nitrate free peppered turkey bacon on the bottom of each jar. I just diced it up and put it in the bottom. Then I scrambled 5 eggs and 3/4 cup egg whites to divvy up over the 4 mason jars I was making.

I filled the red protein container from 21 Day Fix about 3/4 of the way full since I have the turkey bacon in the bottom of the jar.

For the green container, I sauteed some zucchini and spinach in coconut oil, onion powder, garlic powder, and black pepper. I used 4 zucchini’s and about 1.5 cups of spinach. I cook the vegetables until they are almost tender so that when I reheat them they do not turn into mush.

Simple add the veggies on top of the eggs and you are DONE! What an easy breakfast that is! And my husband approved and requested it regularly, so I know it’s a winner mason jar meal.

You can pour it in a bowl and heat up, or simply heat up in the mason jar, shake and eat! OH, and top with cholula for an added burst of flavor!