Halloween is upon us and it’s time to start gathering the treats for the little tricksters coming to your door!

And as a mother of a child with food allergies, I feel it is my duty to advocate for all children who cannot eat traditional Halloween treats passed out by generous neighbors – a.k.a. candy.

It’s a terrible feeling as a mother to watch your child go through his Halloween treats and not be able to eat most of them. To see the look on his face when he can only hold 5 things from everything he’s collected because everything else could harm (or kill) him.

That’s why we are an allergy friendly Halloween house, even as Leo has overcome most of his allergies. Because I remember each year when I was able to go to a home that had treats for my son that he COULD enjoy. And that’s why I advocate for other homes to either have treats available for kids with food allergies or make themselves a complete allergy friendly Halloween house.

So I sat down with Leo and asked him, “When you’re trick-or-treating and you have food alleriges, what are some treats you would like to be able to choose from?”. And this is the list we came up with together.

-Mini coloring books
-Mini notepads
-Pencil Grips
-Bouncy Balls
-Plastic rings
-Glow Sticks
-Silly Straws
-Hair ties
-Hair clips
-Coin holders
-Mini nail polish

If you have other allergy friendly Halloween treat ideas not listed here, please comment below with them. And thank you for doing your part in making all children feel included during this holiday!